Thursday, September 15, 2016

are our actions killing animals and destroying their habitats

Many human actions are killing animals and  destroying their habitats such as deforestation, water pollution and poaching. I believe that  animals habitats are being affected by our decisions.

over 70% of the world's plants and animals live in forests and when  forests are cut  down that is called deforestation. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests. They are cut down  to make the land available for other uses. An estimated 18 million acres of forest  which is the size of the country of Panama are lost each year. Deforestation occurs around the world, though tropical rainforest's are particularly targeted. Deforestation is used to make new land, get wood for houses and to make paper we wouldn't want to lose our houses why should animals.

Do you know what happens when you drop a piece rubbish on the ground well first it will just sit there until it rains then it gets carried away by the water and down a drain into the ocean and some sea life will swallow it or get it stuck  around their necks and then they die, scientists  think that by 2050 there will be more plastic bottles in than fish in the sea  we can stop that from happening by never dropping rubbish  on the ground every piece of rubbish that is dropped  could could kill a sea animal .

When you kill animal for its fur its horns or anything else that is called poaching. Poaching is officially illegal. You can get a lot of money from selling cow skin or cheetah skin or horns from an animal which is probably why people do it for the money and too get house decorations as i said it is illegal but people still do it just because there animals does not mean they can be killed .

You may disagree but i think we need to do something. dont’ cut down as many trees, do not drop rubbish, don't kill animals on purpose and  pick up rubbish before it kills animals . By Lola

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